Oba William King Virtual 10/18 - International Storytelling Ctr Switch to accessible version

Oba William King Virtual 10/18

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Oba William King Virtual

This virtual ticket offers one link to a recording of a live show for this teller. You will be emailed the link from support@exposent.com on Friday morning. The video can be watched from 2 pm EDT on Friday until midnight EDT the following Monday. This ticket will be on sale until 4:30 pm EDT on Saturday, October 19.

Known as “The Poetic Storyteller,” Oba William King is an author, drummer, and gripping teller whose energetic performances are designed to celebrate diversity and promote unity. He tours nationally presenting his dynamic programs that include song and traditional drum. An Illinois Arts Council Fellowship Award recipient in Traditional Folk Arts, King’s appearances include George H. W. Bush Presidential Library, the Kennedy Center, and the National Association of Black Storytellers. He also serves as a Midwest Regional Touring Artist.
Students and adults are engaged and inspired by Oba.– Robert Eriksen, Sun Foundation
Visit Oba's Website

All Ticket Sales Are Final.

If you have questions, please call the International Storytelling Center at (800)952-8392 or email customerservice@storytellingcenter.net.